
those blasted bees

since the weather has been nice we've rigged up a little system that lets maddie roam the porch freely and hang out on her nifty bed (freecycle!)

the past few times i've been out there with her i've noticed quite a few bees flying overhead and figured they had a home somewhere nearby. not wanting our monster to get stung, i searched all the normal places but found no bees. then a few days ago we were outside watering my little herbs and a bee flew right into that ridiculous grill on a pole. of course! the perfect hiding place for a swarming bunch o bees... a dark old grill on a pole (apparently the pride and joy of one of the previous owners of the house).
so i went to the store and bought bee spray and my sweet husband risked life and limb to kill those darn bees.  he says they were sleeping peacefully when he opened that lid...didn't even see it coming. if only the grill was still hooked up to the gas line...we could have just lit them on fire!! all that's left now is the shell of their old home.
they'll probably try to move back in at some point, but for now our sweet monster can enjoy her sunshine unharmed.


the kitchen: phase 1

just a quick look at our project today- finally painting the kitchen! more detail to come but for now here's a before and after picture of what what accomplished today!



even the dark pictures taken late at night are SO much better! it's a pretty dark room and the change of paint really helps lighten things up- plus we covered up all the spots where the 60s wallpaper was showing through! 
phase 2 will include scraping the weird stuff off the ceiling, painting it bright white,  painting the pantry and maaaaaybe painting the cabinets. i'm not sure about those yet. thoughts?



if you're visiting from hip weddings... hello and welcome! holly did a feature last week on my vintage dictionary turned wedding gift.

head on over and check it out!
thanks for the great feature holly!!


The Dress- Update

The dress is apparently too full of polyester to dye soooo i decided just to wear it- in all it's ivory glory. more thoughts to be posted after the wedding as well as the story of what will happen to it when i get home. i see green in its future... even if i ruin it!